Friday, January 25, 2013

Mark Your Calendars

by Megan Buro
Marketing Coordinator

I had the grandiose plan to write an article about how important it is that we know our own family histories, but it just did not happen.  Instead, I decided to give a quick update of the Museum’s current and upcoming events.  

A great opportunity (it’s free) is on Saturday’s; we have demonstrators on the grounds where visitors can learn about a craft that would have been around during the Houston’s time.  These demonstrators rotate, but the schedule looks like this until the first weekend in May, which is the General Sam Houston Folk Festival:  first Saturday of the month is spinning and weaving, second Saturday is Cherokee culture and crafts, third Saturday is kick wheel pottery making, and the fourth Saturday is blacksmithing and woodworking.  The demonstrators are usually at the Museum from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. except for the Cherokee, who set up from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

In February we will be presenting “Changing the Face of Power:  Women in the U. S. Senate.”  This is an exhibition of photographs by Melina Mara, who was able to photograph the 13 women in the 2001 U. S. Senate and continued when their numbers grew to 14 in 2003.  The exhibit is produced by the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin, presented in partnership with Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.  We will have a preview reception on Monday, February 18 (President’s Day) from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.; the exhibit will officially open on February 19th and stay on display to the public until March 22nd.  Following this exhibit Casey Roon, our Exhibits Curator will present “Backroom Curiosities.”   The public will have the opportunity to view stored items from our backroom closets.  “Backroom Curiosities” will open April 23rd and go until August 30th. 
March 2nd is a big day in Texas.  We celebrate our Independence, as well as, Sam Houston’s birthday.  The Museum will be offering FREE ADMISSION on this particular day.  The first 100 visitors who tour the Main Museum (Rotunda) will receive an “Honor” bracelet.  Some may ask, “What is the importance of Honor?”  The answer is simple; Sam’s mother gave him a ring with “honor” inscribed in it.  He wore this ring his entire life and lived by that word.

In April we will celebrate Margaret Houston, the beloved wife of Sam.  Margaret was born April 11, 1819, so mark your calendars for the Margaret Houston Birthday Celebration on Sunday, April 14th from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the W. S. Gibbs Conference Hall.    

As I mentioned before, the General Sam Houston Folk Festival is slated for the first weekend in May (3rd to 5th).  If you are interested in more information concerning the festival please visit  

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